
Both Des and Julie McAllan have known the Lord since their childhood. Des preached his first message at 15 years of age and has continued to share, preach and teach Christ Jesus ever since. They’ve had the great pleasure of raising 3 children who all fervently serve God walking in the grace to which they are called.

With over 40 years preaching the Gospel, Des is a teacher and evangelist, having pioneered 3 churches in Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia.

In 1998, Des was in a motorcycle accident that left him seriously injured including brain damage. As he lay in the ICU ward, Des saw and was attacked by the spirit of death.
Thinking or speaking the Name of Jesus, resisting death – this spirit fled and Jesus saved Des from certain death. Today Des is 100% recovered from what was to be lifelong injuries.

Julie is an anointed singer/songwriter and together with Des have served the Lord all over Australia and in many nations around the world. Their ministry is one of teaching, healing, evangelism and prophetic, equipping the saints with love and joy.