Age Has No Barrier

I was nearly 22 years old when I married and my husband Des was 27. He had already been in ministry for about five years. When we ministered in churches around Australia after we were married, a lot of people commented on our age and how young we were.

Two years later, when I was 24, I flew for the first time overseas. We went to Hong Kong as Des was interim Dean of a bible college in Hong Kong and China. During our time there, we travelled into China 14 times to teach the Word of God underground. Upon our return, when I was nearly 25 and we moved to Central Australia.

I said all of that for this reason. No matter how old you are, if you are doing God’s will, the devil won’t like it. Yes, when people mentioned my age I did feel intimated, and yes at times I thought I couldn’t do what I was asked, but I would have had those same thoughts at any age of my life. It was just a lie from the devil.

Let’s look at Samuel. He was the last judge, he was a prophet and priest. He was there when Saul became King; he was there when David became King. The first words of judgement spoken to Samuel by God was when he was about 6 years of age, concerning Eli the high priest and his sons. Age has no barrier.
Let’s look at Josiah. He was 8 years old when he came to the throne and at 16 years old he discovered true worship when God’s law was discovered. He then had the pagan priests executed because they were teaching God’s people a lifestyle of sin and God didn’t want to have to bring judgement. Age has no barrier.

Let’s look at John the Apostle. He was a teenager when he became one of Jesus’ disciples. That’s why he didn’t say much; it was out of respect for the elders. Age has no barrier.

Let’s look at Abraham. He was 99 years old when Isaac was born and Hebrews 11 says he is the Father of Faith. Age has no barrier.
The late Ed Cole once said “If you want to know what you are supposed to do in your life, just do the next thing God tells you to.” It doesn’t matter how old you are. You might be 5 years old or 90 years old, just do what God tells you to do today, and if He tells you to do something that stretches you to your limit, then He will enable you with the gifts and calling to do so.

God will provide. Your age will never be a barrier for what He wants you to do!

Julie McAllan

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